In enterprise settings, proxies are commonly used to secure and control network traffic. You may encounter proxy-related issues at two points:

  1. During AskUI installation
  2. When AskUI Controller connects to AskUI Inference

Installing AskUI Through NTLM or Kerberos Proxy Server

NTLM or Kerberos proxies require authentication via your Windows user or username/password combination. We recommend using a local proxy to handle authentication.

Setting Up a Local Proxy

We recommend Px as a local proxy:

  1. Install Px following their documentation
  2. Start the proxy (default port: 3128)

Choose the binary option if package managers aren’t available in your environment.

Windows Startup Configuration

Create a px-start.bat file in your Px installation folder:

cd c:\tools\px

To set up autostart:

  1. Create a link to px-start.bat
  2. Press Windows + R, enter shell:startup
  3. Move the link to this folder

Configure pip to Use Proxy

Create a pip.conf file (Linux/macOS) or pip.ini file (Windows):

Linux/macOS (~/.config/pip/pip.conf):

proxy =

Windows (%APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini):

proxy =

Set Environment Variables

# Add to your Python script to configure proxy at runtime
import os
os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = ''
os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = ''

Or set them in your system:


export HTTP_PROXY=



AskUI Controller Connection to AskUI Inference

Using Default Configuration with Requests

The Python client uses the requests library which supports proxies. You can configure proxies in two ways:

Method 1: Using Environment Variables

Set the environment variables as shown above. The requests library will automatically use these variables.

Method 2: Explicitly Configure Proxies in Code

from askui import AskuiClient

proxies = {
    'http': 'http://your-proxy-url:port',
    'https': 'https://your-proxy-url:port'

# Initialize AskUI client with proxy configuration
askui_client = AskuiClient(proxy_config=proxies)

Proxy Authentication

If your proxy requires authentication:

proxies = {
    'http': 'http://username:password@your-proxy-url:port',
    'https': 'https://username:password@your-proxy-url:port'

askui_client = AskuiClient(proxy_config=proxies)

Handling SSL/TLS Certificate Issues

Corporate proxies often perform Deep Package Inspection by adding self-signed certificates to HTTPS requests. This can cause errors like:

SSLError: self-signed certificate


SSLError: unable to verify the first certificate

Extracting the Required Certificate

  1. Open the certificate viewer in your browser:

    • Chrome: Click the lock icon in the address bar → “Certificate”
    • Firefox: Click the lock icon → “Connection Secure” → “More Information” → “View Certificate”
  2. Select the root certificate (often “GTS Root R1” for corporate proxies)

  3. Export/download the certificate in PEM format

  4. Save it to a location accessible by your Python script

Security Note: Disabling certificate verification (verify=False) is not recommended in production environments as it makes your connection vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.


If you’re still experiencing connectivity issues:

# Enable verbose logging for debugging
import logging

For advanced proxy configurations or issues with specific corporate networks, please contact AskUI support with details about your environment.